Grateful 2009 Project

just wanted a spot to hold my I am grateful resolution for 2009. I will be writing these down on a notebook next to my bed each night, but I will also transfer them to this post on a daily/weekly/monthly basis. So feel free to peek every now and again if you'd like. I've decided to close comments since this post is more of a personal for me post.



01/01 - my hubby and everything that he is in every way
01/02 - Blackie and Zaya, my puppies, and their unconditional love
01/03 - my parents and their faith in me
01/04 - my siblings and all the memories
01/05 - my friends, both near and afar
01/06 - White Hot Chocolate from Caribou Coffee, Kim's fault
01/07 - Alison Krauss, her music helps me relax
01/08 - warm scarves
01/09 - pictures of tulips
01/10 - my stainless steel pans
01/11 - a good book and a comfy blanket
01/12 - cute barrettes on a bad hair day
01/13 - warm fuzzy pink socks
01/14 - clean sheets straight from the dryer
01/15 - oversized fluffy towels
01/16 - MP3 player
01/17 - flannel pajamas
01/18 - unexpected mail
01/19 - pink almost the color of salmon
01/20 - parsons chairs
01/21 - papercutting
01/22 - sillouettes
01/23 - hockey, especially when we win!
01/24 - snowmen on a warmish day for winter
01/25 - Steelers, especially when we win!
01/26 - snowboots
01/27 - DVR, don't wanna miss a thing
01/28 - silk scarves
01/29 - Tuscany Per Donna
01/30 - pretty glasses
01/31 - cinnamon, cardamom, nutmeg, cloves... warm cozy spices


02/01 - old movies
02/02 - Audrey Hepburn
02/03 - fireplaces
02/04 - dark chocolate
02/05 - rainbows from crystals
02/06 - microfiber clothes for cleaning
02/07 - handwashing dishes
02/08 - cuddling
02/09 - remote car starters on really cold days
02/10 - thyme, basil, oregano, sage
02/11 - date nights
02/12 - old photographs
02/13 - The Cure
02/14 - my hubby, yes he's twice... he might show up again
02/15 - community theatre
02/16 - Widman's Candy Store
02/17 - Becca
02/18 - banana bread
02/19 - Collaborating with friends
02/20 - Jen
02/21 - Still dating after 13 years
02/22 - Quiet crafty time
02/23 - Reliving childhood memories
02/24 - A shoulder to lean on
02/25 - Being a shoulder to lean on
02/26 - Girl Scout Cookies
02/27 - Phone calls from an old friend who has moved to Grand Forks
02/28 - Snuggle time with a baby


03/01 - UND being so close to the MacNaughton Cup
03/02 - Chocolate covered licorice from Iceland
03/03 - Opal
03/04 - down pillows
03/05 - lunch dates with friends
03/06 - Penny Playlists
03/07 - UND winning the MacNaughton Cup
03/08 - Sketch Books
03/09 - chiropractors
03/10 - houseplants
03/11 - snowblowers
03/12 - The clean crispness after a blizzard
03/13 - hockey at The Ralph
03/14 - Making French Silk Pie
03/15 - open windows
03/16 - textiles
03/17 - friends willing to send me soup so I can make a particular recipe
03/18 - meeting new people in town
03/19 - Tall Skinny Hazelnut Latte (which makes me think of You've Got Mail, Coffee Shop scene at 0:40)
03/20 - watching You've Got Mail curled up in bed with hubby (thanks to yesterdays entry)
03/21 - hummus and pretzel chips
03/22 - heather green
03/23 - small miracles
03/24 - lavendar scented pillow mist
03/25 - clean house
03/26 - polished silver, so pretty
03/27 - Getting my book from Jude, Do Not Leave Unattended
03/28 - Jeans at work on a Saturday
03/29 - new plants
03/30 - starting seeds
03/31 - open windows!!!!


04/01 - Not falling for any April Fool's jokes, I wasn't an April Fish
04/02 - surprises in the mail
04/03 - banana chocolate chip coffee cake
04/04 - planning a holiday with a friend
04/05 - temps above freezing
04/06 - local bakeries
04/07 - birds chirping in the morning
04/08 - good health insurance (no nothing is wrong)
04/09 - community theatre
04/10 - Easter bunnies