Raspberry Cordial : Childhood Book Recipes

I spent quite a bit of time this weekend baking and cooking. Never had any intention to do so, it just sort of happened. I had lemons and blueberries that needed to be used up, I woke up at 3:30 am Saturday morning and could not fall asleep again, despite my valiant efforts to sleep in, so I made bagels. However, the inspiration for this mornings quote came in the form of a sweet nectar that I finally got up the courage to make.

Raspberry Cordial

I've long been a fan of Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery. The writing in the books makes you feel as if you were there experiencing Prince Edward Island with Anne: the sights, smells, sounds and tastes. How could you not feel for her when for a time she loses her "bosom friend" Diana because she served Marilla's famous Current Wine instead of the Raspberry Cordial as was intended? Marilla's Raspberry Cordial and Current Wines have always fascinated me.

After thinking about it several times through the years, I actually remembered I wanted to try making Raspberry Cordial while I was at the grocery store and able to pick up what I would need. I stuck to a non-alcoholic version similar to what Anne and Diana would have had, assuming they grabbed the right bottle. I used a bit less sugar than what is called for by most recipes, but it was still plenty sweet. Oh and so delicious!

The books of Enid Blyton also hold countless treats I'd love to find recipes for sometime. Jane Brockett wrote a book of recipes for treats found in childhood books called Cherry Cake and Ginger Beer, it's been on my wishlist for a while and sounds like it would be a treat to match the descriptions from stories with the treats themselves. What treats from books have always fascinated you? Anything I should try?

Raspberry Cordial
36 oz frozen raspberries
8 cups water
juice of 1 lemon
2 1/2 cups sugar

64 oz container
cheese cloth for straining

Bring water, raspberries and lemon juice to boil in 6 qt stock pot.
Simmer for 45 minutes, reducing to between 4-6 cups of liquid.
Strain through cheese cloth, returning liquid to stock pot.
Puree raspberries left in the cheese cloth in a blender or mash with a wooden spoon to get most of the juice out, strain through cheese cloth, adding liquid to the pot. (Reserve berries for raspberry syrup!)
Add sugar to liquid in pot, simmering until dissolved.
Pour liquid into 64 oz container, add cold water until full, cap and shake to mix.
Keep in refrigerator.


  1. Ah, Anne of Green Gables. I just love those books.

    And Raspberry Cordial. Yum!

  2. I loved the series, as well, and I think the Raspberry Cordial episode is my favorite. (Thanks for bringing it all back to me! :-) )

  3. I have a Little House on the Prairie cookbook, I can bring it over on Saturday if you want to take a look. :)


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