Gift Idea for Kids

My niece, nephew and my best friend's daughter are so far away, so this year I put together packages of the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar, and then read the story to be burned onto a CD [Download Here]. It's a great way for them to hear my voice and read along. I like to add special effects, so I did the crunch with a Dorito and just inserted it for each page turn. You can find free special effect .wav files online too.
Simply the Best has quite a selection

This works well with any Children's Books, you can use the free audio editor Audacity.

Here are a few Audacity Tutorials to get you started.


  1. What a neat gift idea. My nieces and nephews loved for me to read to them when they were younger.

  2. How wonderful.

    Brendon was given a set of books, each w/ a tape of a friend reading them to him. At first this was new to me and I kind of found myself saying - um ok.

    But after hearing the first book, and seeing his thrill it was clear she had hit on something very special.

    We have The Very Hungry Caterpillar and I have downloaded your version. He'll be delighted =)

  3. Aw, I hope he like it... there is a bit of clicking in the copy, it's by no means professional...
    it was a bit of work, but I think it's worth it. I'm going to try to make a whole bunch of them for my nieces and nephews for Christmas

  4. I think you solved my gift giving issue for 3 little ones - this is such a great idea!!

  5. Tamy: Glad to help!
    Caroline: Mine do to, so this is my way of reading to those that aren't quite as close :)

  6. HI Barbara! I ordered some holiday business cards from the website you gave me, they are toooo cute! Thanks much for the helpful tips and advice. Much appreciated. Jared and I loved listening to you read the book, What an extrordinary and very special idea!

    And last but not least I have TAGGED YOU in a meme...check out my blog for the rules :)

    Have a beautiful day!

  7. That is SUCH a cool idea! I'm going to have to look into this for my niece!

  8. What a great idea, going to have to work on that ... for next year. :)

    Cheers, Kiy


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