Blogger of the Week : Murali

Murali of Miscellany of Me... is the blogger of the week. Read all about her and then go visit her blog and say hi!
{Edited: She has a giveaway going for this week! So seriously, it's added incentive to go say hi! She has a gorgeous blog with amazing photos!}

What did you have for breakfast this morning?

Cold cereal and hot tea. I am braindead in the morning, so breakfast is almost always something I can just grab without any thought at all in my zombie state. And the tea is usually half an hour before food, cause I can't eat for awhile after waking up, and the tea is a perfect gap (and we can blame the inlaws for that one....being American, tea is not a normal part of my routine, til now!:p )

What is your favorite childhood book?

Fave childhood book?? do I pin that down?? I was a voracious reader as a kid, and had soooo many I would read over and over and over again. I loved mysteries (Nancy Drew, Trixie Belden, Agatha know...all the usuals..Oh..I loooooved Astrid Lindgren's Bill Bergson!! Actually, most of Astrid's books stayed in rotation), humor (Gordon Korman totally rocked my socks..Louis Sachar..Bunnicula!!), classics (Who DIDN'T love Anne of Green Gables?? Little Women?? Actually, all of LM Montgomery and Louisa May Alcott's books were prominent..and Frances Hodgeson Burnett! I shredded her books from overuse! The Shoes books!! ), period (Little House books, Caddie Woodlawn, Betsy and Tacy..) and good old angst (ZK Snyders' The Velvet Room, most Judy Blume, Cynthia Voigt, The cheese stands alone by Marjorie M. Prince, Hatchet, which also covered another favorite topic, survival in the wilderness, lol, etc) Oh, and fantasy/magic (E. Nesbitt, Edward
Eager, Richard Peck's Blossom Culp, Diana Wynne Jones..)...uh..should I stop now?? :p

What is your favorite work of art?

Um..hmm..I don't really have one. For some reason, I never really pinned one down as something that totally spoke to me, and defined me.

What is your all time favorite quote?

I am the original fragrance of the earth, and I am the heat in fire. I am the life of all that lives. Bhagavad Gita 7:9

A description of the Lord, by the Lord. A simplification and reminder to me of the essence and meaning of life.

What's your favorite super secret website?

The Costumer's Guide to Movie Costumes. The most amazing site. Out of sheer goodwill and love of amazing costumes, people have put together tutorials, pic sources, resources, etc, for recreating your favorite amazing movie costume. Fantastic.

What is your favorite and least favorite chore?

Favorite chore?? That would be a tie, between grocery shopping, and doing laundry..and they both come under the same category of laying up supplies. A full pantry and clothes shelf warm my heart like nobody's business. :p

Least, a tie between the tedium of dishwashing, and the disgustingness of scrubbing the toilet and bathroom sink. Ugh.

What makes your house uniquely your home?

My family in it. I have moved a LOT in my life, and lived everywhere from houses, campervans, converted panel vans, tents, etc. The one constant, was family. Where ever family was, was home. No matter where we are, or how short the duration the stay is, home is where the heart is.

Will you share a favorite recipe?

I very rarely use recipes..but this one of mine is something I can eat every day and not get tired of: Noodle Stirfry

What first sparked your interest in cooking?

My mom, I guess...she taught me the basics, and techniques...and then I worked for a few years in a kitchen, and learned more..and then I married into a family that takes food VERY seriously, so I had to learn even more in self defense! rofl

What homemade project are you most proud of? do I pin that down! I am proud of a lot, lol..I am always amazed at myself that I *made* that!! But I think my most current one that I LOVE would be the little bag I made here

What got you interested in sewing?

Well, my Grandma was a professional seamstress...and my mom got me started with the basics. And then the whole DIY appeal, and the creating something I couldn't otherwise afford, or something no-one else will have. I love that. I love working with my hands, and making something from nothing. :)

Some of my favorite projects are my White Stripes bag (though, that possibly could be just because it's the White Stripes :p ), the rose outfit here, and the little doll here.

What are your 3 best/favorite posts on your blog(s)?

My three favorite?? I dunno. I post projects I love, and also, random things I there are many, many things I just adore. I am not sure how to pick!

I like my Worlds Apart post... it was a last minute throw up on the blog, late at night just before bed. I randomly picked a photo of the bottle shoes that struck me out of my folders, and then thought a juxtaposition would be a strong image to contrast. The one I ended up picking matched better than I dreamed, and made a larger impact than I ever thought about in those last minutes before crashing in bed.

I love my music posts, cause, well, I love my music.. :p

I love my series of Spring photographs.

Now that you've read all about her, go say hi at her blog!


  1.'s very embarrassing reading your own words, lol.

    Thanks for featuring me, Barbara!! How exciting! :D

  2. I love how you give us a look into a new blogger each week. It's really a special thing.

  3. I loved reading about her- she has a wonderful blog that i visit daily!

  4. I really enjoyed reading about Murali! I felt like we were having a conversation, it was a wonderful look into her life.

    Barbara, thank you for hosting this. I love this series and it's my most fav of all the ones you do!

    Cheers, Kiy


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