Happy Birthday Hana Mi!

Hana Mi over at Gifted Hand is celebrating her birthday today. I totally missed it, well I didn't know it was coming up, and I feel terrible this is so late. Swing by and wish her a Happy Birthday or belated Happy Birthday if you come by tomorrow!

Vintage Birthday Party


  1. Thanks Tamy, she'll appreciate it! I need to get a list of my readers birthdays! At least the ones that come by regularly

  2. Awww its lovely you do this. Please dont feel bad, Im awful at telling people. I feel like if I tell people way before, Im purposely trying to get something, iykwim!!! (Cant explain it very well).

  3. Nothing wrong with getting Birthday Wishes! :) I knew all about your little pickles birthday, but not yours... but I know now for the future...

  4. Happy Birthday.

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  5. Drunken Dragon: I'm glad you like my blog, I don't actually do link exchanges though. My blogroll is strictly blogs relevant to the content of my site and blogs I read on a daily/weekly basis. It's the only way I feel comfortable recommending blogs and having content on my site. Thank you though. I hope you understand.


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