Menu Plan Monday {26}

Monday - Pepper, Onion and Ground Beef Casserole
Tuesday - Pork Tenderloin with Asparagus
Wednesday - Roasted Chicken, Risotto and Salad
Thursday - Leftovers
Friday - Dinner out at The Toasted Frog
Saturday - Baked Macaroni and Cheese, Hamburgers, Homemade Baked Beans and Coleslaw
Sunday - Pantry Cleanout

Edited: I have to move fish and chips to next week, I scheduled a meal for Friday when I have had plans to go out for the last two weeks. Not sure what I was thinking. I move Friday to Saturday instead.
Join Menu Plan Monday over at The Organizing Junkie


  1. Sounds like a great menu - I love baked macaroni and cheese! Have a good week.

  2. Thanks... it's an easy week... I might get more adventurous depending on what I see on sale tomorrow at the grocery store

  3. MMmmmmmmm, baked mac and cheese. Talk about comfort food. Hmmmm. If we are still feeling ick tomorrow I might have to try that. If we have all the ingredients on hand. I am not pulling this sorry behind to the store! :)

    Cheers, oh and great menu!


  4. Love the idea of a pantry cleanout one day a week.

  5. Great menu! I love fish and chips. Have a lovely week!



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