Spring, Spring, Spring

found myself humming "Spring, Spring, Spring" from "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers" most of the morning. Looking out at the mounds of snow and knowing they will be there for at least 2 maybe almost 3 more months has me yearning for spring. Lighter fabrics, pretty flowers, fresh air from the windows left open... So I found myself watching "Seven Brides for Seven Brothers this afternoon while wishing for spring.

There's still a month before I start pulling out the spring linens and giving them a good wash and start swapping out the linen closet. However, I couldn't resist sprucing up the linen closet this weekend, taking stock of our towels, sheets and supplies. So while I'm dreaming of spring...

Linens drying in the sun from Country Living

Tulips from Country Living

Rosemary herb garden from Country Living

A magnolia from Southern Living, because I'm a southern girl at heart

Delphinium from my yard last year


  1. I miss spring and can't wait for it!!! :)

    Lovely banner! I appreciate it even more now! ;)

  2. It's sad but here in Arizona I can't really tell one season from the other, it's frustrating at times. I remember spring back in Idaho and loved it :)

  3. Blaze: I miss green and have been contemplating growing a small flat of wheat grass. The banner is fairly simple, but I thought you'd appreciate the story behind it based on the blog post.

    Sandra: I remember living in the Philippines and all we had was rainy season and dry season... seriously that's what it was called. So I do love that I have seasons, but right around February every year I start wishing the snow would just go away. I can't complain too much though, we made it to almost December this year without snow.

  4. I thought Winter would completely pass us by, but now we're getting hit w/ ice.

    Never snow anymore it seems, just ice ((you must say ice w/ a snarky voice, nose scrunched to fully appreciate the disappointment)).

  5. Monique: I can almost hear the snarkiness ;)

  6. Oh, that was cruel! :) While we don't have near the snow you do, I too am more than ready for spring. Or Jamaica. hehe

    Thanks for the lovely pictures.

  7. Didn't mean to be cruel, meant it more as something to look forward too! As soon as temps start reaching the 40's and 50's I'm opening windows to air out the house!

  8. Spring certainly won't be here soon enough for me. We started with snow in late October this year, so the thought of another couple months is depressing! I sure hope Punxsatawney Phil has good news for us next week.!


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