Menu Plan Monday {23}

For a little while I'm going to be trying to use up ingredients in my freezer and pantry. See how far I can get with only buying milk, eggs and bread.

Monday - Brats over Firepit
Tuesday - Planned Dinner Out
Wednesday - Breakfast for Supper: Omelets
Thursday - Spinach and Cheese Tortellini with Roasted Red Pepper Sauce
Friday - Maybe Dinner Out With Friends, otherwise Homemade Pizza
Saturday - BBQ Short Ribs with Corn on the Cob
Sunday - Pantry Cleanout and Leftovers

Join Menu Plan Monday over at The Organizing Junkie


  1. I love breakfast for dinner. There's something so cozy about it.

  2. LOL I'm also doing breakfast for dinner AND ribs this week. Great minds :)

  3. Yummy menu! We are having brats on Tuesday. :D Those ribs sound yummy, too!

    have a great week!

  4. Breakfast is one of my favorite things for dinner! And I also love to eat from the pantry and see how far I can stretch food. It's a game of sorts.

  5. Yum! We love breakfast for dinner too, and often make extra for breakfasts for the week too.

    Have a great week!

  6. Good luck on using your pantry items. Great idea! (BTW, love the name of your blog).


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