All week we've been cleaning, and today it's time to tackle the outdoor areas. Grab an yard waste trash bag, gardening gloves and your weeding tools.
My Deep Clean List:
Pick up any trash that may have blown into the yard this week.
Weed the garden beds.
Edge the driveway and sidewalk.
Weedwack the yard.
Trim the hedges.
Sweep the sidewalks and driveway.
Spray down the porches and house siding.
Wash the windows from the outside.
Clean out the gutters.
My Quick Clean List:
Pick up any trash that may have blown into the yard this week.
Weed the garden beds.
Weedwack the yard.
I love being outside doing these chores this time of year! The crisp cooler temperatures and breezes are yummy and make the work more enjoyable.