Menu Plan Monday {9}

Monday - BBQ Chicken Breasts (Phase 1)
Tuesday - Beef and Bean Chili with Salad (Phase 1)
Wednesday - Vietnamese Pork Rolls (Phase 1)
Thursday - Steak Sandwich with Roasted Pepper Mayo (Phase 2)
Friday - Pork Satay (Phase 1)
Saturday - Chicken with Lime Dressing (Phase 2)
Sunday - Pantry Cleanout and Leftovers

Doing South Beach, Wednesday finishes Phase 1 for me, so these are from the South Beach Diet Cookbooks.

I've decided to make Pantry Cleanout part of my weekly planning, so I make a point to use items up rather than throwing them out

Join Menu Plan Monday over at The Organizing Junkie



  1. Your Saturday sounds really good!

  2. I have a Garlic Lime Chicken which I love, but it's not really allowed... I'd have to modify it. So I'm hoping this one gives me the same flavors, to substitute.

  3. These all sound yummy! I'd love to see some recipes after you try them out.

  4. These sound really good! I might have to get that book. I've been contemplating it for a long time. Thanks!

  5. I'll post any that I end up modifying, but I don't think you are allowed to post recipes that are direct from a cookbook.

    I have been very impressed with the recipes so far, and would have no problem eating them on a regular basis.

  6. AnonymousMay 26, 2008

    Mmm...vietnamese pork rolls.

    I'm not sure if you can or can't post recipes straight from a cookbook, but I've seen tons of people that have. I think it's ok as long as you give proper credit.

  7. Well, then I'll start taking pictures and posting recipes then. I can delete the posts if they want I guess. I'm not profiting from it, since I don't have ads.

  8. I'll start with the BBQ Chicken one tonight, it was quite good even if it wasn't a sweet BBQ sauce.

  9. AnonymousMay 27, 2008

    One other thing if you're really worried about posting recipes from cookbooks is to contact the author for permission. I've seen several people do that as well. Probably more work for you though.

  10. I'm going to stick with the recipes that have already been posted elsewhere for starters, over time I'll add my own. Too get through Phase 1, I figured the cookbook route would definitely be easier.

  11. AnonymousMay 27, 2008

    I call it "Second Chance Meals" because I'm giving them a second chance to get eaten. LOL. I'll let you know how the cola pork chops goes and you let me know how the steak sandwich with the Roasted Pepper Mayo is, k?

  12. Oh, that sounds so much better than leftovers... I was thinking Second Chance was a brand or something, not sure where my head was. The steak sandwich sounds delicious, both hubby and I saw it in the book and decided that would be the first phase 2 item. I'm also going to make an apple almond souffle (also phase 2) for dessert.


Thank you so much for commenting. I love every single one!