Popsicles - Recipe

If you like this blog on Facebook you saw me mention an easy popsicle recipe yesterday, I made them last night and we enjoyed them as a snack after school/work today.

I forgot to take pictures while they were in the making, but luckily I remembered to snap pictures with my phone before they were eaten! They were yummy, but messy! Perfect for a stripped down warm afternoon. I like that these are made with real fruit.  I used a small bag of frozen strawberries, for the fruit juice I used the liquid from the bag, then added back in 2/3 cup of the strawberries.  I used my emulsion blender to puree the two together, then added the honey and pectin and pulsed it a couple of times with the blender.  Using the emulsion blender made clean up very easy.

Homemade Popsicles

2/3 c fruit puree
2/3 c fruit juice
1/3 c honey
1 Tbsp fruit pectin

Mix together really well, make sure there are no pectin lumps.
Pour into popsicle molds.
Let set about 5-6 minutes.
Push sticks in about half way.
Stick in the freezer for 8-12 hrs.

Makes about 8 popsicles depending on your mold size.

Homemade Strawberry Popsicles
Homemade Strawberry Popsicles

Homemade Strawberry Popsicles
Also, this week was Teacher's Appreciation Week!  Did you remember? I brought cookies for all of the staff at Kirsten's day care, but then for the admin and all of the toddler teachers I made these little sweet jars with M & M's.  Nothing too fancy, but a little something to say thank you.  There are 2 toddler classrooms, but all the teachers watch her during recess and also at the end of the day as the numbers dwindle down they combine classrooms, so I wanted to include all of the toddler teachers, not just her class.  I made the labels earlier, but I assembled and delivered them without coming home for pictures, so you get an instagram from my phone picture, but you get the idea.


  1. It was very hot yesterday. So I decided to try this one out. And I must say it was worth all the trouble.Its very delicious!


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