Just a Minute... in May

Jen formerly of August Street, now Crafty Type, used to have a Just A Minute feature, which I enjoyed. She is no longer doing it, but I think I'll go ahead and reflect on my months just the same.

Reading... The Digital Photography Book by Scott Kelby and Beyond Snapshots: How to Take That Fancy DSLR Camera Off "Auto" and Photograph Your Life like a Pro by Rachel Devine and Peta Mazey

Making... travel packages for our trip to Iceland

Watching... Once Upon A Time

Listening... to I've Got You Under My Skin by Frank Sinatra

Loving... dinners on the patio and playing with Kirsten in the backyard

Dreaming... of Skyr, Kleinur, brúnterta and skólaostur

Planning... our trip to Iceland, preplanning plenty for air travel with a toddler

Baking... Strawberry Rhubarb Pie


  1. Hope you're having a great time in Iceland.

    1. I had a wonderful time! Slowly getting back to my normal routine, well I'm trying. Yesterday I was terribly lazy and didn't feel like doing ANYTHING!


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