New Desk for a New Office Nook

Having my library/office converted into a big girl room for Kirsten means I need to create a new office nook quickly. Having it in the closet was perfect, because when I was in the middle of projects I could close the door on the mess. Now I'm going to be pulling my desk/office area into a public area of the house and will have to keep it neat. I have a spot for it, but I have no furniture for it. The beauty of the closet was I put a laminated board up on 1x2's screwed into the studs of the closet wall and voila desktop and super cheap too! Now, I need a physical piece of furniture and I don't have months to leisurely peruse antique stores and auction sales and yard sales until I find the perfect piece.

I love the look of this desk, but I need storage or it'll just become one big hot spot for papers and odds and ends.

This one is pretty too, but it has the same issues, and I won't have a room to put additional storage. It will have to be somewhat self-contained.

I'm looking for a secretary or a roll-top, something that I can close on tiny messes, if not larger ones.  I've been lusting after Swedish secretary desks for a while now, little did I know I should have been actively searching.

My mother has a gorgeous Danish midcentury secretary that I used to use as my desk in high school.  I loved that desk!  It had a little door and a top drawer that I could LOCK!  Isn't that a dream come true for every teenage girl with a diary, teenager girl with younger sibling, or just every teenage girl???

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