Monday Musings {53} - Carroll

Monday Musings Image with Quill and Ink

"What is the use of a book", thought Alice, "without pictures or conversations?"
-Lewis Carroll

Ah... the innocence of childhood.

Sorry, I spent so many nights last week playing catch up after my trip to Minneapolis, but I'm back this week and I'll share details and pictures later this week.


  1. Or imagination! I think one reason I love little children is that they take me back to that time of innocense! :)

  2. I agree! Kids are reall pure in thoughts and deeds. Wish we could also be like them in that aspect.

  3. Right now my 7 yr old is taking such an extreme delight in reading & that quote sums her up quite nicely.

  4. What a wonderful quote, I love it!

    I missed this week with my computer issue. It's now fixed so catch-up time is incoming! I will be back next week for sure.

    Again, what a great time we had. Can't wait to do it again - but longer!

    Cheers, Kiy

  5. Oh to have a child's imagination still would be wonderful.

  6. Oh how I LOVE that book. Great quote. :)


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