A Few Fun Things

First, just a reminder that we are sharing our Halloween Front Door Decor on the 20th, so get ready if you haven't yet!

Second, I found a fun website to peruse the other day, I love the layout and the elevator idea and thought I'd share it, very kitschy. New York First

Third, I'll be starting my "Countdown to Christmas" next Wednesday. There are 10 weeks left, and I need to make my list and check it twice... Yeah, I know, ha ha ha... very funny... I do need to make my list and determine my budget and start watching for sales, put together my homemade goodies, determine what cookies I'll be making this year (of course, I won't leave out my Peppermint Cookies), plan my menus, parties, gift exchanges, holiday cards... It always seems like there is plenty of time, but there never is.

I just love these holiday cards from Smock Paper via Jude at Run4istRun (Absolutely love Jude's site and she is a sweetheart with impeccable taste, go say hi!)

Smock Christmas Ornament Letterpress


  1. Xmas is THAT close! UGH!

  2. I'm still trying to get through my advent calendar LOL I can't believe Christmas is that close...ugh.

  3. Yeah I know. And with everything going on before Christmas it goes faster than you think!

    Kim: Christmas in a new house though, that'll be exciting!

    Sandra: Yeah me too!!! If she sold them, I'd buy it ready made.


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