First we decluttered, then we cleaned, this week we're going to go through and organize. There is no way to organize the entire house in a week, unless it's a tiny house. So, let's just pick our biggest pet peeves and do those.
I am currently just fine in my dining room, but my coat closet by the garage entry drives me crazy. Everything is crammed in, and it's full of shoes even though I have a shoe organizer in the bedroom. So I'm going to sort out the shoes, putting away the ones that aren't worn as often. I'll sort through the coats, and the baskets of gloves and scarvs, and get it in shape for the fall and winter.
What's your pet peeve in your dining room or entry?
The entry is always a problem for me since it also our 'gateway' to the upstairs and no one seems to want to make multiple trips during the day so they stack everything at the bottom waiting to go up at night.