Me Time, Date Night, Free Time

What's the Homemaking September ShapeUp! all about?

We've done a LOT of work this month. Especially if you've been following right along with me. However, now our homes are ready for fall, and the winter holidays. Now that everything is planned, decluttered, organized, cleaned, and decorated, it's time to relax and enjoy. Right now I want you to grab your calendar. Go ahead and pick 1 day a week and schedule an hour of "Me Time" on that day. That's your time to be selfish and pamper yourself however you desire. Now, schedule a date night each week. Mine is always on Friday night, but yours can be any night. Date night could be a date with a hubby, significant other, friend, parent, child anyone that you want to spend a little more time with in your life. Last, I want you to schedule an hour of free time once a week. There are always unexpected things that pop-up that you don't account for. This free time is intended to be flexible, so you can take care of those things without stressing yourself out because you have no time. If you are lucky, nothing will pop up and you can use it as family time or additional me time.

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1 comment:

  1. Sign me up, I need Pampering! LOL No seriously these are important to keep yourself de-stressed.


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