Menu Plan Monday {21}

I was too warm this past week to consider beef stew, so the meat went back in the freezer. Since Tuesday is supposed to be a high of 57, I figure that's the perfect night for Beef Stew and Spoon Bread. We didn't get to the Quiche either, Hubby got home quite late that night and I didn't feel like making Quiche for just me.

Monday - Hubby's Night on the Grill
Tuesday - Beef Stew and Spoon Bread
Wednesday - Quicky Quiche, didn't get to this last week
Thursday - Lemon Dill Pasta with Grilled Chicken
Friday - Steak with Cabernet Mushrooms
Saturday - Summer Tortellini
Sunday - Pantry Cleanout and Leftovers

Join Menu Plan Monday over at The Organizing Junkie


  1. Great plan! I know tomorrow is Monday, but due to the holiday, I haven't done mine yet. Thanks for stopping by my blog and leaving a nice comment.

  2. Thank you... That's ok, Laura doesn't have hers up yet either :D
    And you are very welcome!

  3. What time is dinner Friday, I don't want to be late - LOL!

  4. *laugh* probably 7pm... I'll set the table for 4 :)

  5. Rats, your link to the quiche doesn't work.

    Your menu looks great, I know what you mean about not cooking just for yourself. We should, but heck, who does? :)

    Have a super week, Kiy

    P.S. Hey Tamy, pick me up? We can head on over to Barbara's together! ;)

  6. The link to the Quiche works, try it again, maybe Blogger had a glitch :) I did find Alouette, just not the kind I usually use, so I'll give it a whirl.

    So now I'm setting the table for 7, well 6 plus a big girl chair. Since I won't server her cabernet mushrooms how about baked mac & cheese?

  7. Okay, it worked this morning. I do like that recipe and going to have to try it. Also lovin' your baked mac and chez recipe, added that to my 'memory jog' list.

    Thanks, Kiy

  8. For quiche I like to keep it simple, something I can assemble in less than 5 minutes. The baked mac and cheese is so easy. I haven't purchased mac & cheese since trying it. Oh and the nice thing is it's not made with cheese food product, it's all real ingredients.


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