Gift Package From My Sister

I got a package from my sister in the mail this week, it included some Icelandic childrens books, and bland í poka (blend in a bag), essentially a variety bag of typical Icelandic candy. She sent me three childrens books that she picked up for me on her recent trip to Iceland: Ungfrú Heppin (Little Miss Lucky), Herra Lítill (Mister Little), and Úlfurinn og sjö kiðlingar (The Wolf and Seven Kids). Icelandic Childrens Books Icelandic Childrens Books This is bland í poka (blend in a bag), a variety bag of Icelandic candies. It has some chocolate covered caramels, candy coated chocolate covered licorice (the white balls), candy coated licorice (look like Good & Plenty's), licorice wrapped marzipan and the tiny little ones are chewy and fruit flavored. I LOVE chocolate covered licorice, they were the first to go. Blandipoka


  1. AnonymousJuly 12, 2008

    How cool.

    I don't think I've ever had chocolate covered licorice. Good 'n' Plenty's are among my favorite candies.

  2. It's good, if you like licorice... I like it best when it's good solid black licorice like this pic. I've been thinking of trying to make my own.

  3. I LOVE licorice like that, we get those bags in South Africa :)

    Great package!

  4. I wish they had it in the states... we'll just have go to Iceland with my children so they are part of their childhood memories! :)

  5. The chocolate covered licorice would be the first to go here too! YUMMY!

  6. I loooove love love love your new format, Barbara!!! :)

  7. Thank you Erin! :) It was a few late late nights, but worth it in the end.


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