China Cabinet - Anniversary Gift

China Cabinet

I spent all last night, transferring my china from the old china cabinet to the dining room table, to the new china cabinet. The old china cabinet was moved into the kitchen area and will house the everyday dishes and casual serving dishes.


  1. AnonymousJuly 08, 2008

    Gorgeous Barbara. And what a perfect anniversary gift.

  2. AnonymousJuly 08, 2008

    Very pretty!! I love that smooth wood! :)

    Oh my goodness, and your comment yesterday! You are so sweet to give out those books to your family! My grandpa did that for us, and now those tapes are so precious!! What a wonderful gift! Keep it up! I bet it is hugely appreciated! ;)

  3. Thanks... It'll go well with the dining room set...

    I wish my grandfather had done that for us... I have a hard time hearing his voice anymore.

  4. AnonymousJuly 08, 2008

    the china cabinet is so stunning!

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  5. WOW - turned out gorgeous - nice job decorating!


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