Out of Town

I'll be gone this week, but I've left some posts of art around Grand Forks from this past weekend for you to enjoy. I look forward to catching up on all the comments and your posts on Friday!



  1. AnonymousJune 16, 2008

    Have a wonderful trip!! :)

  2. Thanks. I leave this afternoon, should be back by Friday. I'm hoping *fingers crossed* that your penny playlist is in the mail today so I can take it with me! :)

  3. AnonymousJune 16, 2008

    Be safe, talk to you soon !!

  4. Done at Belcourt, ND, now I'm in Minot : The Magic City for at least two days. I have internet in this hotel room, so I should be checking in each night.

  5. Thanks Melissa, it's for work so I'll be looking forward to getting back home and most importantly sleeping in my own bed again. Going to see Sex and the City tonight since I have hours to kill.

  6. AnonymousJune 19, 2008

    How was it?

  7. Ended up not going... Figured I'd wait and go with a few friends in Forks... just listened to music while reading tonight...

  8. AnonymousJune 19, 2008

    That sounds nice too.

  9. It was nice... there is a Barnes & Noble right by the hotel, so I went and picked up a few cd's... all my mp3's are on the server at home... wasn't really thinking, so I didn't transfer any to the laptop before leaving.

  10. AnonymousJune 19, 2008

    Oh yes!! Liesl and Rolf! So darling! That's totally one of my favorite movies!

  11. I'm back! Did you all miss me? :)

    Going camping this weekend though... and there I definitely won't have internet access!

  12. AnonymousJune 20, 2008

    Camping sounds nice.... I need to buy a new tent, the boys and I usually have backyard camp-outs so we can go inside if we need to.

  13. We like to go to Old Mill State Park in MN... not too far away, but far enough. We blew up the air mattress last night to make sure it's holding air! :)


Thank you so much for commenting. I love every single one!