Menu Plan Monday {8}

Monday - Pork Loin with Asparagus
Tuesday - Chicken Stuffed with Spinach and Goat Cheese
Wednesday - Vietnamese Pork Rolls
Thursday - Beef and Bean Chili with Salad
Friday - Pork Fajitas (sans Tortilla for me) with Salad
Saturday - Black Bean and Turkey Stuffed Peppers
Sunday - Pantry Cleanout and Leftovers

Started South Beach the middle of last week, so these are from the South Beach Diet Cookbooks.

I've decided to make Pantry Cleanout part of my weekly planning, so I make a point to use items up rather than throwing them out

Join Menu Plan Monday over at The Organizing Junkie



  1. Monday and Tuesday both sound really good to me right now!

  2. AnonymousMay 18, 2008

    How do you make the Vietnamese pork rolls? They sound good!

    Good luck with South Beach!


  3. I was actually surprised how good everything looked and sounded. I really don't think I'll have any trouble sticking to South Beach. Tuesday sounds divine to me, I wanted that tomorrow, but I need to get the pork loin made and I want to space it out during the week.

    Sherry: They look good too (there is a pic in the book). These are all in the Quick & Easy Cookbook, I don't want to post them due to copyright.

  4. AnonymousMay 19, 2008

    Looks like a great menu. We just started SB too. My recipes and plan are up. Take a look and visit the blog I linked for more ideas and recipes.

  5. Good luck! It hasn't been hard and looking through the cookbooks everything looks so delicious! Losing 8 lbs in the first week was pretty great too!

  6. AnonymousMay 20, 2008

    Mmmmm, everything sounds delicious.

  7. Thanks MiYon! Glad to see you posting! :)


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